The NMAT by GMAC™ exam, introduced as a symbol of quality, allows test takers to pursue graduate management education and their desired careers, while providing schools with access to top talent. This MBA entrance exam is conducted for admission to leading business schools in India and abroad. The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) administers the NMAT exam annually within a designated testing window.
Frequency- yearly
Mode- Computerised Exam
Exam Pattern
The NMAT by GMAC™ exam is comprised of three sections – Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning.
Language Skills Section: | 36 questions | 28 minutes | Score range 12-120 |
Quantitative Skills Section: | 36 questions | 52 minutes | Score range 12-120 |
Logical Reasoning Section: | 36 questions | 40 minutes | Score range 12-120 |
Totals: | 108 questions | 120 minutes | Score range 36-360 |
Language Skills: Reading Comprehension, Para Forming, Error Identification, Prepositions, Sentence Completion, Analogies
Logical Reasoning: Critical Reasoning, Analytical Puzzles, Deductions, and Other Reasoning
Quantitative Skills: Number Properties, Arithmetic, Algebra and Probability, Data Integration Caselets and Tables, Data Integration Graphs and Charts, Data Sufficiency
Your scorecard will be available for download within 48 hours of taking the NMAT by GMAC exam and you will be notified by email when it is ready. It will include your scaled section scores and total score. Any exam with test security incident(s) is subject to audit and the result will be published in 10 working days.
Scaled scores: Questions in the NMAT by GMAC™ exam are selected from the question pool for each examinee based on his or her performance on the questions previously answered. The questions a candidate receives are targeted at his or her ability level; therefore, a high-scoring candidate generally receives a more difficult sample of questions than a low-scoring candidate. The NMAT by GMAC™ exam is scored by first obtaining the candidate’s final ability estimate based on the probabilistic model approach of modern exam theory, and then transformed to a scaled score ranging from 12 to 120.
Eligibility Criteria
The exam conducting authority has outlined the following eligibility criteria for NMAT 2024. Candidates must meet these requirements before registering for the NMAT exam.