The Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED) is a yearly entrance test organized by IIT Bombay for admission into B.Des programs at renowned IITs, including those in Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, and IITDM Jabalpur.
Frequency- yearly
Mode- Pen and Paper and Computerised Exam
Exam Pattern
IIT Bombay is expected to release the UCEED 2025 exam pattern on its official website around November 2024. Key details about the exam are as follows:
UCEED Exam Pattern 2025: Part A The exam is divided into two parts: Part A, which is a computer-based test, and Part B, which is paper-based.
Part A includes three sections:
UCEED Exam Pattern 2025: Part B Part B consists of two drawing-based questions that are subjectively evaluated. The question is displayed on the computer screen, and answers must be written or drawn in the answer booklet provided by the invigilator. You have 1 hour to complete this section, after which the booklet will be collected.
IIT Bombay has introduced changes to the marking scheme for the Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) section in Part A. Unlike previous years, the new marking scheme includes negative marking in this section, while the number of questions in both parts remains unchanged. It is mandatory to attempt questions from both Part A and Part B.
A mechanism has been introduced to address errors in the question paper. If any inaccuracies are found, the UCI Committee will make the final decision after the exam.
Partial Marking Scheme for MSQs
UCEED 2025 Marking Scheme:
Candidates with disabilities who need assistance for Part A of the exam may use the services of a scribe. However, Part B must be completed independently due to its nature. Eligible candidates must indicate their need for a scribe and upload a PwD certificate during online registration.
Eligible candidates will receive additional time: 20 minutes per hour for Part A and 10 minutes for Part B. The UCEED Office will review requests and contact the candidate with further instructions if necessary. Scribes will be students of Class XI, and candidates are not allowed to bring their own scribes. Misuse of scribe services or compensatory time without appropriate eligibility will result in disqualification from the evaluation, ranking, and admission process.
The entire exam, including both Part A and Part B, must be completed within the 3-hour duration.
Eligibility Criteria
To apply for admission to the BDes programmes of the participating institutes, i.e., IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Roorkee and IIITDM Jabalpur, an applicant is required to fulfil ALL the following three criteria simultaneously.
Criterion 1 – Age limit:
The candidate should have been born on or after October 1, 1999 if belonging to the OPEN/EWS/OBC-NCL category and, on or after October 1, 1994 if belonging to the SC, ST or PwD category.
Criterion 2 – UCEED qualification:
The candidate should have qualified, i.e., obtained a rank, in UCEED 2024.
Criterion 3 – Qualifying examination:
The candidate should have passed in all five subjects in the qualifying examination (Class XII or equivalent) in 2023 or 2024. Those who appeared for the first time in their qualifying examination in 2022 or earlier are NOT eligible.
Candidates from the Science Stream with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as subjects are eligible to apply to all the six participating institutes (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Roorkee and IIITDM Jabalpur). Candidates from any other stream (Science without Mathematics or Physics or Chemistry, Commerce, and Arts & Humanities) are eligible to apply to IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, and IIT Hyderabad. For admission to BDes at IIITDM Jabalpur, only students with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology at 10+2 can apply. Students from Arts or Humanities at 10+2 are not eligible to apply for BDes admissions at IIITDM Jabalpur. Candidates from the Science Stream with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as subjects are eligible to apply to IIT Guwahati and IIT Roorkee. Candidates from any other stream (Science without Mathematics or Physics or Chemistry, Commerce, and Arts & Humanities) are NOT eligible to apply to IIT Guwahati and IIT Roorkee.
The candidates appearing for their qualifying examination (Class XII or equivalent) in 2024 should ensure that, (a) all parts of their final examination are completed by the date of application for admission, and (b) proof of having passed the qualifying examination with required eligibility is submitted by September 30, 2024 to the admitting institute.
If a qualifying Examination Board awards only letter grades without providing information on the passing grade on the grade sheet, the candidate should obtain a certificate from the Board specifying the passing grade and upload it along with the grade sheet. In case such a certificate is not provided, the decision taken by the UCI Committee will be final.
The criteria, as specified above, are applicable “in toto” to all the applicants, including foreign nationals. Seats allotted to foreign nationals are supernumerary, with a cap of 10% of the total seats in a program. Applications from foreign nationals holding OCI/PIO cards issued ON or BEFORE 4 th March 2021 are only considered under the OPEN category. They are outside the ambit of seat reservation under the EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, and ST categories.
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